Monday, July 6, 2009

First Post (Doesnt apply when its your blog)

Wow - its been a long time since using this page, and I must apologise to those who signed up when I first looked into writing a blog. Ah, who am I kidding - anyone who showed an interest has lost it long ago!

OK, so this is basically a revival of this page. An attempt to document my life, and just like my life at the moment, its going to be a mix up of all sorts of craziness. A breif documentation of the interests that currently take up my time. Yes - There will be spelling mistakes, but whos life isnt perfect huh?

So now that youve read that, your wondering who I am and what sort of "Documentation" you'll be seeing on this page? Well when I use the word "Documentation" Im using it in the loose sence of the word. Really really loose. Basically anything that holds my interest for more than a few minutes, be it about photography, electronics, computers or whatever. For those who care can keep up to date with it, and with any luck you might even find a twisted sence of humour in my writing and possibly even return to visit for another read!


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